Month: July 2024

  • SHENZHEN QIXINGSHI TECHNOLOGY | MobiKin Backup Manager for Android

    Restore Data from Backup Files to Android Losslessly: For the backup files, you can preview and read the backup files by simply going to the location specified by the program. You are allowed to selectively restore data from the backup files to the original device (when you lose data and want to get them back)…

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  • Movavi | Safe Multimedia Software


    Get great award-winning multimedia programs for your videos and photos. Movavi’s movie and photo programs are fast and easy to use – safe and trusted all over the world. Check them out today!

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  • Mitov Software | IntelligenceLab


    IntelligenceLab is a set of .NET 2.0(or higher) components, based on OpenWire technology for Artificial Intelligence. Allows implementing data classification, SPAM filters, computer vision, speech recognition, OCR, and decision-making applications with minimal effort. The library is fully multithreaded, utilizes well modern multi-core systems, and runs at full native performance. Also includes a Visual Graphical Editor…

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  • Mitov Software | VisionLab


    VisionLab is a set of Visual C++ components for advanced computer vision. The components allow rapid development of fully featured advanced computer vision applications with zero lines of program code. It includes Canny edge detection, Adaptive Threshold, Hough Lines, Contour Finder, Target Tracking, Face and object detection, robust features detection(SURF), Connected Components, Background subtract, Chamfer…

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  • Mitov Software | InstrumentLab


    Visual C++ Visual instruments library – Contains Angular Gauge, Linear Gauge, Analog Clock, Thermometer, 7, 9, 14, 16 Segment Digital Gauges, Segment Digital Clock, Segment Indicator, Progress Bars, On/Off LEDs, Multicolor LEDs, Spectrum, Matrix display, Glass Panel, GDI+ rendered. Allows composite instruments

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  • Mitov Software | VideoLab


    VideoLab is a set of Visual C++ components for fast video capture and playback. Allows fast video capture, display, and playback with zero lines of program code. The library supports the old fashion Win32 API( Video For Windows ( VFW ), VCM, WaveAPI, ACM), the newer DirectShow, and even allows if needed any mixture of…

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  • Mitov Software | BasicVideo


    BasicVideo is a set of Visual C++ components for fast video capture and playback. They allow fast video capture, display, and playback with zero lines of program code. The library supports the old fashion Win32 API( Video For Windows ( VFW ), VCM, WaveAPI, ACM), the newer DirectShow, and even allows if needed any mixture…

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  • Mitov Software | BasicAudio


    BasicAudio is a set of Visual C++ components for easy audio processing. They allow audio capture and playback with zero lines of program code. AudioLab supports both the old fashion Wave Win32 API, Audio ACM, and DirectShow, and even allows if needed any mixture of them. The developer can choose to go with any of…

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  • Mitov Software | SignalLab


    The SignalLab is a set of Visual C++ components for fast Digital Signal Processing (DSP) and data visualization. Allows fast complex signal manipulations with zero lines of program code. SignalLab consists of SignalPlayer, SignalLogger, Signal Generator for Sine, Triangle, Square, DC, and Jaehne signals, Noise generators, Simple Scope, Waterfall, LowPass, HiPass, BandPass, BandStop filters, FIR,…

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  • Mitov Software | PlotLab


    PlotLab is a set of .NET 2.0/3.5 components for very easy and fast Data Visualization. The library includes Scope – scientific chart component for plotting multi-channel data. Waterfall – data plotting component, especially suitable for FFT results. The components allow zooming, navigation, direct printing, clipboard copy, save to file, and more. Optimized for very fast…

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