Guaranteed PDF Decrypter (restrictions remover, Windows) | Parallel Password Recovery

Guaranteed PDF Decrypter (restrictions remover, Windows) | Parallel Password Recovery

The primary goal of GuaPDF is to – remove restrictions on any PDF document (you should have the right to do it, for example, if you forgot the password). Any Acrobat version up to XI is supported, even with 256-bit AES or 128-bit RC4 encryption. PDF permission password removal is an instant process. Decrypted files can be opened in any PDF viewer without restrictions so you may edit/copy/print them. GuaPDF can also be used; – remove the PDF open password. The decryption of the file with a password for opening is guaranteed for PDF files with a 40-bit key only (Acrobat 3, 4 compatible encryption). This process takes several days on one home computer.