Sort n Rename | Picture Instruments – PI GmbH
A well-structured file system starts with speaking file names. With self-explanatory picture file names, they are easily found by the OS search tool. To ease the pain of renaming thousands of pictures and files Sort´n´Rename is here. Sort´n´Rename is the most flexible solution for file renaming. Naming options include individual text, enumerations in user-defined intervals, original file names in whole or part, date, and EXIF tags like DateTaken, f-stop, shutter speed, and many more. But not enough: Different versions of the same file extension can be matched and letters or strings can be auto-replaced. Once a scheme for renaming is defined, it can be saved as a preset and exchanged across platforms (Mac & Win.) Sort´n´Rename is especially helpful in these scenarios: Assigning speaking filenames to your picture collection. Pictures from several cameras can be sorted into chronological order and re-enumerated. Picture presentations can be sorted by drag and drop and re-enumerated in this sequence. Pictures that need to be renamed in a predefined scheme to ensure archival consistency can be treated with the same presets across all platforms (Win & Mac) companywide. Sort´n´Rename cannot only rename picture files – any file type can be handled.