Threat Intelligence | Digital Vaccine® | ThreatLinQ | Trend Micro

Threat Intelligence | Digital Vaccine® | ThreatLinQ | Trend Micro

Learn about Threat Intelligence by Trend Micro, which offers virtual patching, threat prevention, customized security, and real-time analysis. The Zero Day Initiative (ZDI) was launched to reward security researchers for responsibly disclosing vulnerabilities. Largest vendor-agnostic bug bounty program. Over a 12-year track record of securing the ecosystem of critical enterprise-class vulnerabilities. A unique insight into the latest threats. Strong partnership with affected vendors results in more timely patching. Maximize protection with patented machine learning techniques that predict whether network traffic is malicious or benign. Mathematical models are evaluated against network traffic and TippingPoint makes real-time decisions to immediately and accurately block malicious traffic that emulates known or unknown malware family characteristics with minimal impact on network performance.