Advanced Threat Protection | High Detection Rate, Sandbox Analysis | TrendMicro

Advanced Threat Protection | High Detection Rate, Sandbox Analysis | TrendMicro

Get advanced threat protection, which provides a high detection rate and sandbox analysis, via XGen™ security. Trend Micro™ Deep Discovery™ protects against targeted attacks, advanced threats, and ransomware, giving you the power to detect, analyze, and respond to today’s stealthy attacks in real time. The network XDR capability in Trend Micro Vision One correlates network detection events so you can prioritize your response. Visualize the attack and see its point of entry, who else in the organization is impacted, including managed and unmanaged devices (e.g., contractors, BYOD, IoT), and where it came from and is calling out to. This gives you a complete understanding of the attack lifecycle so you can find all the needles in the haystack.