Advanced Threat Protection | High Detection Rate, Sandbox Analysis | Trend Micro
Get advanced threat protection, which provides a high detection rate and sandbox analysis, via XGen™ security. Trend Micro™ Deep Discovery™ protects against targeted attacks, advanced threats, and ransomware, giving you the power to detect, analyze, and respond to today’s stealthy attacks in real-time. The network XDR capability in Trend Micro Vision One correlates network detection events so you can prioritize your response. Visualize the attack and see its point of entry, who else in the organization is impacted, including managed and unmanaged devices (e.g., contractors, BYOD, IoT), and where it came from and is calling out to. This gives you a complete understanding of the attack lifecycle so you can find all the needles in the haystack.
Network Analytics Software for Security and Attack Visualization | Trend Micro
Visualize advanced threat events to prioritize protection tasks using network analytics software and detect attacks faster with threat sharing. Detecting, alerting, and blocking threats can produce a glut of data. To assist security professionals in the time-consuming task of combing through potentially thousands of alerts or logs, Deep Discovery Inspector with XDR correlates all the events to show what the first point of entry was by identifying patient zero, who else has been breached, so you can see the full scope of the attack, where the threat is calling out to, how the threat made its original infection,* and others who may also be a target.
Deep Discovery Analyzer | Extensive Detection Techniques, Custom Sandboxing | Trend Micro
Get advanced threat protection, which provides extensive detection techniques, custom sandboxing, connected threat defense, and centralized visibility and control, via XGen™ security. Deep Discovery Analyzer is a turnkey appliance that uses virtual images of endpoint configurations to analyze and detect targeted attacks. By applying an XGen™ security blend of cross-generational detection techniques at the right place and time, it detects targeted attacks designed to evade standard security solutions.
Deep Discovery Inspector – Targeted Ransomware Attack | Trend Micro
Protect against targeted ransomware attacks, data breaches, and more with Trend Micro's Deep Discovery Inspector which is available as a physical or virtual network appliance. It's designed to quickly detect advanced malware that typically bypass traditional security defenses and exfiltrates sensitive data. Specialized detection engines and custom sandbox analysis detect and prevent breaches.