AutoFEM Static & Buckling + ShipConstructor Integration (1-year subscription) | AutoFEM Software

AutoFEM Static & Buckling + ShipConstructor Integration (1-year subscription) | AutoFEM Software

AutoFEM Static Analysis provides the calculation of the stress state of the structures under the forces that are constant in time. To date, this is probably the most requested task in the design. By using the module "Static analysis", an engineer can evaluate the allowable stresses in the design that is developed, determine the most weaknesses in the design, and make the necessary changes (optimize) the product. Static analysis also allows: taking into account the geometric nonlinearity; determining the stress-strain state of the effects of temperature; perform calculations of contact problems; such As the external loads on the structure, force, pressure, rotation, acceleration, bearing load, hydrostatic pressure, torque, and temperature can be applied. As the fixing, complete restriction of movement can be used, as well as the partial restriction of the axes (in Cartesian, cylindrical, and spherical coordinate systems). If it is assumed that under the applied loads in the details, there will be a significant displacement, it should be a static analysis that would take into account large displacements. To solve these problems, a non-linear solver organizes the process of incremental step loading and provides the solution of the linearized system of equations at each loading step. In addition, there is the possibility of calculating the stress state structures induced by thermal stress (problem of thermoelasticity). The temperature can be attached directly to the design or can be used as the result of the thermal calculation. The main results of static analysis are field of displacements of the structure in nodes of finite-element mesh; field relative deformation; field components of the stress; the energy of deformation; nodal forces; and field distribution of safety factor; This information is usually sufficient to predict the behavior of structures and make the decision to optimize the geometric shape of the product.