Dw2xls for PowerBuilder v5.X

Dw2xls for PowerBuilder v5.X

DW2XLS is the PowerBuilder library designed for exporting Datawindow & Datastore to an Excel format with cell formatting. Features: Support of Freeform, Grid, Tabular, N-UP, Group, Composite, Nested and Crosstab styles. Support of Text, Column, and Expression types of DW objects. Support of DropDownDW, DropDownListBox, Edit, Edit with Code Table, and EditMask edit styles of fields. Convertation of a set of Datawindows and Datastores to the separate spreadsheets of the Excel workbook. Support of all data types. Support of all kinds of text and data formatting. OLE-components are not required. 5+ Excel formats support. Easy-to-use program interface. Good technical support.