Threat Intelligence | Digital Vaccine® | ThreatLinQ | Trend Micro
Learn about Threat Intelligence by Trend Micro, which offers virtual patching, threat prevention, customized security, and real-time analysis. The Zero Day Initiative (ZDI) was launched to reward security researchers for responsibly disclosing vulnerabilities. Largest vendor-agnostic bug bounty program. Over a 12-year track record of securing the ecosystem of critical enterprise-class vulnerabilities. A unique insight into the latest threats. Strong partnership with affected vendors results in more timely patching. Maximize protection with patented machine learning techniques that predict whether network traffic is malicious or benign. Mathematical models are evaluated against network traffic and TippingPoint makes real-time decisions to immediately and accurately block malicious traffic that emulates known or unknown malware family characteristics with minimal impact on network performance.
Security Centralized Management & Response System | Trend Micro
Trend Micro’s TippingPoint Security Management System (SMS) provides global vision and security policy control for threat intelligence and enables comprehensive analysis and correlation. Gain visibility into the volume and severity of threats attacking your network. Threat Insights aggregates and collects threat data from TippingPoint, Deep Discovery, and third-party solutions to give you visibility into which attacks require immediate response and which ones were thwarted, allowing you to prioritize, automate, and integrate network threats information.
TippingPoint Threat Protection System | Trend Micro
Trend Micro’s TippingPoint integrates with the Deep Discovery Advanced Threat Protection solution to detect and block targeted attacks and malware through preemptive threat prevention, threat insight and prioritization, and real-time enforcement and remediation. The TippingPoint®️ Threat Protection System is part of Trend Micro Network Defense. It’s powered by XGen™️ security, a blend of cross-generational threat defense techniques that deliver faster time to protection against known, unknown, and undisclosed threats. Our smart, optimized, and connected technology ensures that everything is working together to give you visibility and control across the evolving threat landscape.
Enterprise Intrusion Prevention (IPS) Software & Solutions | Trend Micro
Trend Micro’s enterprise intrusion prevention (IPS) software and solutions detect and prevent breaches at wire speed anywhere on your enterprise network to protect your critical data and reputation. Trend Micro™ TippingPoint™, an XGen™ security solution, provides best-of-breed intrusion prevention to protect against the full range of threats at wire speed anywhere on your network to protect your critical data and reputation.