Lightroom Plugin – Skin Tone Adjust
Skin Tone Adjust is a plugin that is specifically made for skin tone editing. This works with neutral pictures as well as subsequently on edited images. Each of the 4 plugin sliders controls multiple Lightroom parameters at the same time, to purposefully adjust the skin tones to the desired look. With Skin Tone Adjust you have your skin tones quickly under control, regardless of whether you need a clear, noble look, suntanned skin, or warm autumn colors. Saturates or desaturates the whole image and counteracts the skin tone saturation, so that they don’t look unnatural. This way you can achieve trendy saturated or cool, dark looks and the people won’t have to look like they have a sunburn or gray skin. Pale to Brown Control: Here you can set if the skin tones should rather look clear and noble, like you can often see in beauty or cosmetics commercials, or if they should get a deep brown character for a suntanned look. Orange to Red Control: This control makes the skin tones look a little bit more alive and full. You can move the skin tones more towards red or orange, depending on the skin type. Lips – Nude to Pink Control: Adjusts the lip color either towards the skin color or to a strong pink color. Advantages: Quick skin tone adjustments for professional looks. Subsequent adjustment of presets relating to the skin tone. Simple correction of unnatural skin tones. Perfect skin tones with just a few clicks.