mTracker 3D – Automatic 3D Tracker Plugin for Final Cut Pro and Apple Motion
MotionVFX tries to make your lives easier. MotionVFX tools have always been innovative and helpful for Apple Motion and FCP users and provided new ways to take your content to another level. The time has come for the next big thing. A true revolution in compositing. mTracker 3D is a mind-blowing plugin that lets you precisely recreate the movement of the camera used to film your shot. This means that any object added to a tracked scene will naturally follow the camera’s movement as if it were there from the beginning! There’s no end to all the elements you can insert in post-production and completely transform your footage. From special effects to commercial advertising, from professional productions to funny home videos – all this and more can be achieved within a single click. That’s right, mTracker 3D does its magic in the easiest way there is, there are no complicated workflows or convoluted procedures to get to a perfect effect. This plugin will revolutionize the way Final Cut Pro users look at compositing. Now you can extend the reality of your shots and realize your creative ideas with no restraints, other than your imagination.
motionVFX | Apple Motion Templates and Final Cut Pro Plugins